mom's equipped

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Need a New Teflon Skillet?

I received my $5 off a $15 purchase coupon today from Bed Bath and Beyond and decided to stop in there after a return to Old Navy. They had some large Teflon skillets with lids at the front of the store with a $10 rebate form next to them. The original price is $19.99 and I used my $5 off coupon, came home and filled out the rebate form for $10 off so this thing will cost me $4.99 total. It is a non-stick Teflon aluminum pan with 11 inch lid. Very deep and useful for skillet meals. My other pan is going to the trash where it should of been one year ago.

The rebate is good through the month, maybe even in to August.

Happy cooking!

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